How i have been
I have stopped stardeeing in Part Time Uni le. Cannot take it. Stardeeing in a alien world. Dont understand a thing the lecturer talking about. Somemore stupid NDP so stressful.
Well more stress is coming. my officer 2 bar is going for HK next week le. and only left the 3 bar officer(Irritating Officer). im the PA for the 2 bar officer and this other guy name ChiaoGeng is the PA for the 3 bar officer. then this ChiaoGeng is going for operation from next week onwards. So only left 3bar and me in the admin team. Kao 3 bar sure look for me 1... Kns. Pekchek.
Just an incident today. 3 bar threaten to give me sign extra reason i just forget to collect official letters from S4 to be sent out by yesterday. Irritiaing right !
I am not ur PA and i have other matters to worry about. If u give me everything, I AM ONLY A PRIVATE. NOT 3SG ! idiot.
Sigh. Been bad luck these weeks. 1st Computer A spoilt. 2nd after Computer A okie. Computer B spoilt. 3rd When computer B is okie. I tested some fans and Burnt my Processor. then i tested with another processor (slower 1). Same thing happend. Processor burnt too.. Then my portable HDD broke down.
Then i went with Paul to buy a montior for him. Then after opening it, it did not worked at all. Sorry man brought you the bad luck.
What a week man.